7 Blogging Tips to 2x Your Income

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Blogging is making everyone crazy! First, it makes you earn money, and second, it is now a significant way to express your passion for a particular subject. Blogging completes your hobby and fulfills your workaholic nature. In fact, once a blog becomes successful, many convert it to a full-time venture or a full-time job. Everyone knows that blogging yield money.

However, it is a myth! It is not always right with everyone.

There is no surety that with blogging, you can make money equivalent to your annual salary. Needless to say, the idea of making a blog sometimes fails due to the lack of content.

Moreover, there are 70% of chances that the niche which you chose to make a blog and publish content might miserably fail if you don’t have earning methods by your side.

Thus, picking the right niche for your content is very important because of the high competition in blogging activities. Therefore, before I put up this guide on how to make money via 7 blogging tips to 2x our income, my very first suggestion is to pick an extraordinary niche for blogging.

Truth About Blogging Career

There are lots of misconceptions about blogging and how bloggers make money online by publishing content. However, there are few hard truths which are misunderstood by people.

As a result, some can’t build themselves up to start a blog while others stop blogging when they don’t earn much.

The first truth; you don’t need to be a fantastic and fascinating writer to start a blogging career. But, you must be academically 100% correct while writing the language.

The second truth; chances of becoming a billionaire via blogging in 2019 are less than 10%. Additionally, your chances of becoming billionaire depend upon your niche and the methods you opt to earn.

The final truth; you can’t defeat 10-year-long running blogging in a year or two! It is quite impossible in such a short period of time.

This is why blogging experts say to write excellent, easily understandable content, and market it correctly to earn money.

If all this is clear to you, then you can earn good income per month.

How Much Can Income Blogging Generate?

Income generation directly depends upon three things, first is quality; second, your work and third are the methods of earning. My website now brings me more than $10k per month, but 5 years back, it wasn’t even close to $10 per month. However, when I learned different ways of earning, I came to know a unique process to make money in blogging;

“Quality + Consistent Work + Earning Methods = Blogging Revenue”

In this guide, I have put my all focus on this Blogging Therom, which successfully yielded me a seven-figure digital income and will work for you too in your future! So, whether you want to make $1k per month from blogging or are looking to establish a global digital empire, the blogging tips to 2x your income are the best source of earning methods.

What Are The 7 Blogging Tips To 2X Your Income?

The best thing I like in the online monetization system is that there are multiple revenue streams. This means if one doesn’t work for you, you have ten more money-making ideas from blogging on your fingertips. However, I would recommend you to follow two to three tips at the beginning of your blogging career. On the other hand, if you are looking to know more blogging tips, then let’s cross the fingers.

Let’s check each tip one by one;

Write Content To Market

When you are new in the market, the first thing you try is to make loyal customers. And blogging is also the same. Therefore, after writing daily for 1.5 months at your blog, start giving attention to the Guest posting. Let’s other do a paid guest post on your site; you do a guest post on some others; however, try to post on other websites for free. We aim to make revenue not to invest.

Affiliate Others In Your Website

Affiliate marketing is the best tool for content marketing. Some advertisers wish to sell their products, but can’t rely daily upon Ads. Thus, they need websites with huge traffic where they can attach their product links.

This means they need content to place unique affiliate links. So, if you get partnered with such affiliation programs, then you have a great chance to earn money on selling the product. Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, Snapdeal, etc. are few leading websites of the world which offers such affiliation partnered programs. Grab one of them and start working.

Product Reviews: Sell Product, Earn Commission

Have you ever seen bloggers publishing content related to gadgets, clothes, cosmetic products, etc.? Did you strike a question, why they do so? If no, then let me tell you they earn commission per product sale. By publishing repeated content related to a product helps the product manufacturer to establish a positive reputation of the product.

In return, the website publishing content for them gets paid if products are sold. It’s the same as affiliation, but a bit direct way of earning money!

Hence, find some products who are passionate to follow such marketing technique.

Become A Freelance Blogger

Freelance or work from home is also a type of job where you have to follow specific guidelines of the client while preparing content for them. Though it’s an extra method to earn passive income, you don’t do blogging for your website or brand.

In other words, you write for others at their online platforms!

There are many freelance job portals, where on registration and bidding, you can get many projects as a freelance content writer.

Write An E-book!

If you are very passionate about your writing skills and believes that you can write books, novels, magazines, etc. then I’ll suggest you become a book writer/novelist.

You can write, publish, and sell the book on Amazon, Kobo, etc. to earn money. Additionally, you can build your audience base with few books and can start your own blog book with $2 per episode.

I see this as a fantastic idea to get famous for something new that’s yet to come. However, this might require a considerable investment. If you are seriously passionate about your writing, then you can follow this blogging tip.

Final Tips To 2x Your Income

  • Make your blog attractive and responsive such that Ads make it look good
  • Optimize your blog’s landing pages
  • Work on good keywords
  • Outreach to other bloggers and influencers which helps you in link building
  • Perform trending newsjacking habit daily at your blog

These final five tips can help you in increasing your traffic. Once the traffic starts blossoming your blog or site, then the chances of getting income increases.Hence, along with the blogging tips, also take care of these traffic building tips.

One more suggestion that I would like to offer at this point is that, if your blog is related to some services, then you can open the audience to your service at cheap rates and quality work.

This will increase your clients and income within months. And if you move strategically with this, then who knows you will become a billionaire and I would be reading your blogs.

Reach to us by commenting below and tell m if there are more blogging tips to double your income. Also, don’t forget to mention how did you like the article?

Author Bio

Alisha is a versatile content producer and marketer who also holds a deep experience as a director of operations. She writes extensively on technology and her other preferred subjects include nature, travel, history and art! She posseses a good experience in working with B2B and B2C businesses as a  digital marketing consultant with a special focus on content marketing.


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