Why is Pinterest one of the best Social Media for Your Business

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Anyone, including the top social media marketing companies in Bangalore, would agree that Pinterest is the most undervalued and overlooked social media platform for business promotion.

While many businesses are continuously striving to enter into the digital realm and experiment with social media marketing, Pinterest is frequently overlooked in terms of interest or priority.

However, Pinterest, a picture sharing and discovery app, has over 459 million monthly users globally and generates more leads than all other social networking sites combined, making it a place companies should not overlook.

Continue reading this article to learn more about why and how to use Pinterest as a digital marketing tool for your business

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a one-of-a-kind social networking platform that allows users to share, discover, and collect photos, animated GIFs, and short-form films via pinboards.

Pinterest is most commonly used by its users to share and/or acquire inspiration and ideas from content that corresponds to their interests and hobbies. When users save an image, it is symbolized by a pin and is referred to as a “Repin” rather than a repost/share or retweet.

Similarly, on Pinterest, each “post” is referred to as a “Pin.” Each pin can point to a website, whether it’s a blog article that a brand wants more visitors to or an online store that wants to improve sales. Users can then collect and organize various Repins or Pins into a folder called a “Board.”

Why Should You Be Using Pinterest for Business?

There are so many other well-established social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter that are rich in marketing features. But still, Pinterest is way ahead of these platforms in terms of traffic generation. Take a look at these five Pinterest statistics and you will know it by yourself.

  • • Pinterest makes 3.8 times the amount of revenue as any other social media platform.
  • • 87% of Pinterest users have made a purchase as a result of Pinterest.
  • • Pinterest is used by 93% of users to plan purchases.
  • • 40% of Pinterest users have a household income of more than $100,000.
  • • Pinterest users spend twice as much per month as users of other platforms.

This illustrates that there is a sizable market for businesses on Pinterest. Since thousands of users are willing to spend money on what they see, you must leverage this opportunity to grow your business by creating visually appealing ads that lure users to click and come to your website.

For specific Pinterest marketing, you can contact a professional social media marketing service in Bangalore. We bet that Pinterest will not only increase your online presence but also drive more traffic to your website.

How to Use Pinterest for Business:

How can you include Pinterest into your brand’s entire social media marketing strategy now that the importance and impact of using Pinterest for your brand have been established? Here’s how to get started.

1. First thing first – Create your Business Account on Pinterest

First thing first, create a new company profile. Alternatively, you can convert your personal Pinterest account to a business account.

To do so, click on the three dots icon at the top right corner of the website and then on “Upgrade your account.” You will now have access to features such as Pinterest Ads and Pinterest Analytics if you have a Pinterest business profile.

2. Optimize your company profile

Include your company logo in your profile photo, and write a brief profile description about your brand and what your viewers can expect from this account. To increase traffic, attach a link to your company’s website.

3. Examine your competitors

As a general guideline, it is critical to monitor what competitors and others in your business are doing on social media sites. Furthermore, Pinterest is all about getting ideas from the stuff you see, and a brand is no exception.

Investigating what others are doing and what is working effectively will assist your brand in developing content ideas for this platform.

4. Produce Captivating Content

Pinterest content, like Instagram, is entirely based on aesthetics. Only make and share high-resolution Pins. Furthermore, 82 percent of Pinterest users access the platform via mobile devices, so choose images with a 2:3 ratio to prevent having your content reduced.

Finally, rather than a basic product photograph, publish product/service images with context, such as in its proper use or in a lifestyle environment. Pinterest is all about inspiring others, and you want to use your graphics to motivate visitors to include your product/service into their lifestyle.

5. Optimize Your Pins for Search Engine

Much of Pinterest’s success in generating traffic to brands can be due to the platform’s numerous SEO optimization options. Using keywords in your Pins’ descriptions, boards, and hashtags is critical to ensuring that Pinterest users can simply find your brand’s pins.

6. Cross-Promotion

Since content produced on Instagram and Pinterest is similar (mainly high-quality photographs), you can use both platforms for cross-promotion.

You can post the content of other social media platforms and pin them here with backlinks to the original sites. This can drive substantial traffic not just to your Pinterest page, but also to the original platforms of the images.

This is an excellent way for broadening your overall reach across multiple platforms while directing traffic to a single site/post.

7. Use the Pinterest boards judiciously

Create a collection of distinct boards as a brand to organize and categorize Pins with a common theme/interest. This will make it easier for your followers and Pinterest users to find, browse, and follow content/boards of interest to them.

8. Play around with Pinterest Ads.

Similar to other platforms, Pinterest allows you to target adverts to a specific demographic based on interests, age, region, keywords, and so on. A brand can even target highly particular Pinterest users with detailed audience targeting, such as those who have engaged with your pins or similar content (known as “Actalikes”) and those who have already visited your website by uploading your customer list.

On this platform, brands can experiment with a variety of ad formats such as the typical image or video ad, shopping, carousel, and collection advertisements. You can set your daily budget, and duration of the ad, along with a complete analysis of users’ track results.

Ads that mix in with feeds perform better on Pinterest than ones that are clear sales strategies. You want to enhance traffic by having users click on your ad organically as it shows on more users’ radars, rather than having consumers perceive it as an advertisement right away.


Pinterest is frequently overlooked as a platform for brands and their social media marketing strategy. However, research data clearly shows that it is one of the best platforms for driving traffic and increasing sales. In fact, the best social media marketing agencies in Bangalore always include it as a powerful tool in their overall digital marketing.


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